13. No. 1 |
2003 |

by Nettie Pendley
Impact of Banking Policy on Trade
and Global Stability, by Neil H. Ashdown
BA’93 MPA’97 (see “Through the Years”
), “analyzes some of the mainstream
theories that policymakers and global
leaders use as templates in understanding
the international system, and measures
their effectiveness in explaining the policies
of nation-states, particularly in regard to
trade and power.” Ashdown examines
the banking history of the
United States and how
creation of the U.S.
Federal Reserve System
institutionalized the
corporate consolidation
process. His conclusion
is that “current
policies fail to
support the national
interest by creating
policy that
allows or ignores
sustained trade deficits over
consecutive years” (2002; Greenwood
Publishing Group, Westport, Conn.
06881-5007; hardcover; $64.95). |
debut volume of poetry from the
pen of Kimberly Johnson BA’92,
Leviathan with a Hook, “was conceived,”
she says, “as a postmodern
revisitation of Milton’s Paradise Lost.”
The approximately 50 poems are divided
into three sections: “Angling,”
“Seamless, Electric Life,” and “Eastward.”
A graduate of the Iowa Writer’s
Workshop and the Johns Hopkins M.A.
program, Johnson is currently completing
a Ph.D. in Renaissance literature at the
University of California,
Berkeley. Former U.S. poet
laureate—and ex-U of U
faculty member—Mark
Strand says, “[the book]
celebrates a world forever
ripening into its own
generative conclusion,”
and notes its “remarkable
lucidity, its seductive
energy, its lushness,
and its music”
(2002; Persea Books,
New York, N.Y.
10003; hardcover; $23.00). |
fantastical images, Aaron Dean
Hall BA’95 MEd’97 weaves a story for
young adults about a girl endowed with
an intense and commanding gift who
desires to do good. The Sorceress of
Atunluck is the story
of Zeffa, who resides
on the small island of
Atunluck, one among
the war-torn Leidan
Islands. As she
stands brokenhearted
at the
apparent loss of
her father in the
dark and hostile
waters off the
island’s shore,
she unknowingly uses a “Neal light”—a
powerful magician’s tool—to brighten
the dark skies so she can see her father’s
capsized ship and assist in his rescue.
Hall wrote his tale while living in
Togiak, a remote Yup’ik Eskimo
village in southwestern Alaska,
where he taught after graduating
from the U (2003; 1st Book
Library, Bloomington, IN 47404;
paper; $14.50; hardcover; $22.50). |
Looked in the Brook and Saw a
Face: Images of Childhood in Early
Colorado, by David N. Wetzel
BA’65 MA’67, with photo editor
Mary Ann McNair, is a compilation of
the contents of a 1982 exhibit that
Wetzel prepared of images depicting
childhood in early Colorado. A photo
and word study, the book explores those
themes that were the primary framework
of children’s lives—home, family, school,
friends, and play—from the 1880s to the
1920s. Wetzel’s text divides the book
into themed sections such as “Play” and
“Hanging Around.” Says Sandra
Dallas of The
Denver Post,
“[I Looked in
the Brook…]
will make you
smile at the
sheer joy of
youth. It’s the
best book ever
about Colorado childhood.” Wetzel, former editor of the
U’s literary magazine, Pen, is currently
Colorado Historical Society publications
director (2002; Westcliffe Publishers,
Englewood, Colo. 80150-1261; hardcover;
$34.95). |
That Water, Those Rocks, Katharine
Haake PhD’85 calls on her lifelong
experience as a
Californian to develop a
story set amid the farnorthern
rivers of the
state, the people who
lived along them, the
dams that contain
them, and the men
who envisioned and
constructed the
dams. The author
has combined fiction
with nonfiction in
creating a passionate story of people
who were affected by the changing
purpose of the area. Included are the
narrator’s grandparents, maternal
and paternal, who met and married
in a mining town that is now submerged
by Shasta Dam; a girlhood
friend who was blinded in
a construction accident at a
dam site; and the engineers
who changed the landscape
forever. Haake is a professor of
English at California State University,
Northridge, where she directs the creative
writing program (2003; University
of Nevada Press, Reno, Nev. 89557-
0076; paper; $18.00). |
Accidental Soldier; Memoirs of a
Mestizo in Vietnam, by Manny Garcia
BA’77 JD’82, provides an emotional
account of a young soldier caught up in
the gruesome reality of combat in
Vietnam. Garcia’s story begins in late
1947 in the San Luis Valley of
California and moves to Utah where, in
1965, as a cocky teenager, he enlisted in
the army—almost accidentally—for
three years. At the age of 18, “he
became an Air Ranger, a combat
infantryman with the crack First Brigade
of the 101st Airborne Division, the
Screaming Eagles.” Garcia’s account of
his up-close experiences with killing,
booby traps, and the heat of the jungle,
among other miseries, leaves the reader
to understand on a profound
level the impact of
the Vietnam War on
a young man. He
writes, “I rolled the
body over and realized
the corpse at my feet
was an old woman. . . . I
had killed before I had
lived.” Garcia returned to
school and earned his law
degree following his military
experience. He is now
in private practice in Salt
Lake, specializing in criminal defense
(2003; University of New Mexico Press,
Albuquerque, N.M. 87131-1591; hardcover;
$24.95). |
its unique setting overlooking the
Salt Lake Valley, Emigration Canyon has
often been the subject of controversy. In
The History of Emigration Canyon:
Gateway to Salt Lake Valley, Jeffrey
Carlstrom and Cynthia Mahoney
Furse BS’85 MS’88 PhD’94 depict the
colorful individuals and events that are
integral to the story
of the canyon. The
account is detailed
and well illustrated,
extending from
the early days of
pioneer settlers,
overland wagon
trains, freight
and mail lines,
and the pony
express, to
the days of
development as a Salt
Lake City suburb. The disputes
over water, development, annexation,
and zoning are delineated, as are the
attempts to balance quality-of-life issues
with development of the area. Furse is an
associate professor and director of the
Center of Excellence for Smart Sensors
in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at the U (2003;
Utah State University Press, Logan,
Utah 84322-7800; paper; $21.95; hardcover;
$34.95). |