If you attended the University
of Utah in the past 32 years, you are probably one of thousands who have
an attachment to the J. Willard Marriott Library. This landmark at the
heart of campus has been a gathering place where students not only study
but also meet and enjoy time with friends.
Today, plans are under way to sustain the Marriotts continued role
as an integral part of campus life for students and faculty in the years
to come. In the not-too-distant future, when state and private funding
can be secured, the Marriott Library will receive a critically needed
structural face-lift. An estimated $57 million renovation is required
to transform it into an innovative 21st century teaching, learning, and
research center.
One floor of the library will be a new Information Commons, an area uniquely
designed to prepare students to succeed in the age of technology. Seen
as a campus hub, the Information Commons will include a redesigned computer
facility with multimedia equipment, high-technology classrooms, and group
study areas.
Im happy to report that the Marriott Library renovation-innovation
project is moving forward with a generous initial gift made by the J.
Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation and the Marriott family,
says Sarah Michalak, library director. In addition, our efforts
have been given an excellent jump start through gifts from other generous
Already completed on the librarys second floor is the recently dedicated
Katherine W. Dumke Fine Arts and Architecture Library, funded by a gift
from the Katherine W. Dumke and Ezekiel R. Dumke, Jr. Foundation. This
collection provides specialized reference in the areas of visual arts,
art history, architecture, music, ballet, and modern dance.
The Janet T. Dee and Lawrence T. Dee Foundation has also made a commitment
to the project. According to David L. Dee MA01, a foundation trustee,
their support will help the library play an even greater part in
meeting the needs of students. We like the idea of transforming the library
into a place that is more than banks of computers and books on shelves,
he says.
The library renovation project has also received a generous gift from
the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation. The library
is so important to the entire University and to our community, says
Lisa Eccles BA86, executive director of the foundation. Were
pleased to be able to assist it in keeping pace with the needs of the
faculty and students.
Much-needed seismic, mechanical, and electrical upgrades will also be
made to the library, along with the installment of environmental controls
suitable for preserving rare and fragile materials. Our goal is
to transform this already excellent library into a state-of-the-art facility
where students will use the latest technologies to access the most current
research materials and receive a high level of personal assistance in
using both information technology and traditional library resources.
David W. Pershing, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs,
University of Utah
The renovated spaces at the J. Willard Marriott Library will include:
Enhanced computerized
access to the librarys holdingsthe largest collection of
books, journals, maps, manuscripts, historic photographs, and rare books
in the Intermountain West
Technologically equipped lecture halls and classrooms
Specialized support for academic areas with reference librarians
and materials
An Information Commons with technical software specialists, computer
and audio-visual equipment, and a multitude of reference materials
A student café and small group study areas
For more information, call Heidi Brett, 801-581-8558.