conjures up images of relaxation and leisure-time activities, one
of which may be reading a good book. A number of U of U alumni have
been working to help make that image a reality, producing books that
invite readers to get lost in the joy of a good read. |
The first
book by Wendy Rawlings PhD00, Come Back Irish,
has won the Sandstone Prize in Fiction from Ohio State University
Press. A collection of 14 short stories, the book is filled with tales
that are both heartbreaking and hopeful, set in locations ranging
from Long Island to small towns in Ireland and Colorado. Rawlings,
who teaches in the English department at the University of Alabama,
introduces characters who struggle to create new worlds in an effort
to deal with how their lovers, ex-lovers, parents, and children have
reinvented their own identities. The stories depict smart women who
deal with failed relationships and family crises, all the while maintaining
a gentle humor and tender feelings of love for family. (2001; The
Ohio State University Press, Columbus, OH 43210; paperback, $22.00.) |
of the Body by Brenda Miller PhD99 is a collection
of award-winning
personal essays in which the author reflects on birth, prayer, and
human resilience. Miller describes her memoir in essay form as an
autobiography centered on the body. But even more than the body, the
book is about communication: how we touch one another, how we connect
and fail to connect. One of the 22 essays, A Thousand
Buddhas, has been honored by two national literary organizations
and will be reprinted in The Pushcart Book of Essays, an anthology
of the best essays to appear in the Pushcart Prize anthologies over
the last 25 years, and in The Georgia Review: The First Fifty Years,
a selection of the best essays to appear in the Review in the
last 50 years. Miller is an assistant professor of English at Western
Washington University in Bellingham. (2002; Sarabande Books, Louisville,
KY; hardcover, $25.00; paperback, $14.95.) |
to Look for a Mother, a first novel by Nicole Stansbury BA86
MFA91, takes a poignant look at an abnormal family relationship
that is in a constant love/hate flux. It tells the story of a father,
mother, and two daughters as seen through the eyes of the younger
sister, Lucy, whose constant hope for a normal family is the only
thing normal about her life. Her mothers constant search for
a suitable identity is done at the cost of her children, who realize
she is incapable of protecting or nurturing them and learn to fend
for themselves. As the story moves from the late 1960s to the 1980s
and the location moves from Utah to California to Alaska, Lucy attempts
to find redeeming qualities in her mother with resulting heartache
and anger. (2002; Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., New York, NY
10038; hardcover, $24.00.) |
Nuttall Sayres MPA94 has published her first childrens
book, The Shape of Betts Meadow: A Wetlands Story, a lyrical
ode to wetlands. The book tells the true story of Gunnar Holmquist,
a farmer from Spokane, Washington, who buys an abandoned cow pasture
and, with the help of a crane, bulldozer, and Mother Nature, turns
it into thriving ponds and marshlands. The illustrations, by Joanne
Friar, combine with the text to show how the meadow is transformed
from a lifeless patch of dirt into a diverse ecosystem. Sayres
second childrens bookWhen Rocks Speak, due out
in 2003will be concerned with preservation of rock art around
the world. (2002; The Millbrook Press, Brookfield, CT; hardcover,
1948, by Larry Watson PhD79, has been available for
several years but continues to rise to the top of readers lists.
The novel won the Milkweed National Fiction Prize and the Mountains
& Plains Booksellers Association Regional Book Award when it was
first published in 1993, and was named one of the best books of 1993
by both Library Journal and Booklist. It is the story of a summer
of events in the life of David Hayden that forever alters his view
of his family: a self-effacing father (a sheriff who never wears his
badge); a clear-sighted mother; a charming uncle who is a respected
doctor; and the familys lively Sioux housekeeper, Marie Little
Soldier, whose revelations are at the heart of the story. This book
tells of love and courage, the abuse of power, and the terrible choice
its characters have to make between family loyalty and justice. (1993;
Pocket Books, New York, NY 10020; paperback, $12.95.)
What do professors read
when theyre not analyzing textbooks or grading student essays? Summer
may give them the reprieve they need to do some outside literary exploration.
Continuum asked two U of U professors what they would recommend
in the way of summer reading.
(Chuck) Wight, chemistry professor and academic coordinator for Web-based
instruction at the U, has selected Mark Spraggs collection of essays,
Where Rivers Change Direction. Mark Spragg explores the complex
relationships between humans and animals against the backdrop of the rural
western United States. The stories revolve around a boy and his growth
into manhood as a cowboy on the familys dude ranch on the Continental
Divide. They are earthy tales of love, commitment, duty, and an introspective
search for peace. (2000; Putnam Publishing, New York, NY 10014;
paperback, $12.95; hardcover, $21.95.)
David Kranes,
professor of English, recently retired from teaching and is devoting his
time to writing and consulting. His summer reading suggestion is Houdinis
Box by Adam Phillips. The subtitle of this short and elegant
book is The Art of Escape. In the first chapter, we find the
line: To escapeor of course to be unable to escapeis
often linked to a sense of failure. Adam Phillips, an English writer
and psychotherapist, applies two lenses to notions of escape. In one set
of alternating chapters, he records sessions with a very bright adult
male who has, repeatedly, escaped relationships hes begun with women.
In the other set of alternating chapters, Phillips looks at the work of
the famous escapist, Harry Houdiniboth the illusions and escapes
themselves and the more socially conscious work Houdini did applying principles
of escape to criminology. The book is elegant and provocative. There is
a chapter/ glance, as well, which looks at the life and work of Emily
Dickinson. In the final chapter, there is this summary sentence: If
it is the idea of escapethe mere word itselfthat releases
us from something, then language is complicit with our need to be able
at least to imagine ourselves elsewhere. (2001; Pantheon Books,
New York, NY; hardcover, $22.00; paperback, $13.00.)