Warming Up for SummerSix alumni share tips for getting the most from the season If your best-laid plans for a summer full of activity and rejuvenation often go awry, despair no more. Continuum asked experts—alumni, of course—in six summer-related fields to give us tips and thoughts on making the most of the months ahead. Want to simply relax? Or find an out-of-the-way vacation spot? Read on—their enthusiasm is bound to inspire you, no matter what your plans may be.
If you are starting a garden, the main thing is preparing your soil. I once read that if you have a dollar to spend on the garden, spend 90 cents on the soil and 10 cents on plants. In Utah, we have alkali soil, but we try very hard to put in plants that like acid soil, which entails continually adding to the soil. The second thing to do as you begin gardening is to find where your sunlight and your shade will be. Plan the skeleton of the garden. Consider where you will put your shrubs and trees. Make your own choices, choose your own flowers, and do it for you. Whatever you think is beautiful is what you put in your garden. I like to look out the window and plan what I want to see. Finally, you need to establish your sources. Your source of plants can't be just commercial, because you have to be comfortable asking questions before bringing things home to your garden. Find good source books, as well. I call The Undaunted Garden, by Laurel Springer, my "garden bible," because it's written for a climate very much like ours. When I began my garden, I wanted to make a place where my home and I could both be happy. Now, when I look at pictures of this house 50 years ago, I'm reminded of a slogan on a men's clothing shop when I was attending the U: "If you don't think clothes make a difference, try walking down the street without them." And to me, a house without a garden is in the same condition—it's exposed. —Edith Reed BA'38 currently teaches piano lessons in her home in addition to caring for her garden, which was featured on the Utah Museum of Fine Art's 1995 "The Art of the Gardener" tour. ENJOYING THE OUTDOORS Whether you're a simple hiker who only needs good footwear, a jacket, and a bottle of water, or you're the hiker who carries the 10 essentials plus the map, compass, altimeter, and GPS unit, the most essential element of a good trip is a good attitude. So much of our daily life is spent between the same places, traveling at high speed in an automobile, that getting out and exploring our environment gives us the chance to slow down and enjoy our surroundings. So don't ever pass up the chance to go out and play. And in order to make the outdoors enjoyable for everyone, ask yourself, "What impacts do my activities have on the environment and how do they affect the other people around me?" One of the biggest problems I see these days is fire building. The proper method is not to have a fire. Backpacking stoves are more efficient at cooking, and clothing is now more efficient at keeping you warm and dry. Moreover, dead wood is necessary for insect homes and soil formation. For those looking for a place to start, the Mount Olympus trail and the West Ridge of Grandeur Peak are a couple of hikes that can be tailored for year-round hiking and conditioning. If you like glades with aspens and meadows, Bear Trap, Willow Heights, and Broads Fork to Twin Peaks are all hikes with these scenic features. And Canyonlands National Park is a great place to begin exploring the desert. For lesser-known hikes, I suggest a guidebook—I don't want to give away all of my secrets. —Dan Smith BS'85 teaches for the Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Program at the U, in addition to working for the Department of Natural Resources. He is currently on a Mount Everest expedition. For more details, and to follow his progress, go to www.everestcleanup.com.
Another way to relax is any kind of a supported forward stretch. If you find yourself at a desk, you can push your chair away from the desk, then rest your head on your folded arms on the desk. Ground your hips and you are getting a stretch through your spine, but you're also relaxing into it, so you're getting a stretch through the shoulders. It's really a simple way to relax and regroup in the office, or anywhere for that matter. The more I practice yoga, the more I want to share it with others. There are physical benefits, like muscle tone and better breathing, but it's all about balance—mental, physical, and spiritual balance. I find that I am calmer, I am more relaxed in situations, and I can think a little more clearly; the mental chaos has a little more order to it. For those interested in starting yoga, it's a good idea to find a good instructor. Shop around and try different instructors, because everyone has his or her own style. I would compare learning yoga to learning to ski. You wouldn't watch a video or read a book about skiing and think that you can ski. You would want a real lesson up on the mountain. You would want someone to talk you through it a few times. Yoga is the same way. There are plenty of good videos and books, but as a beginner, you need someone who has more experience to talk you through the exercises and introduce you to the discipline. I think one of the greatest things about yoga is it is not something that you can ever master. I still go to classes. I'm still learning. It's not about arriving, it's not about competition, it's about learning the process. —Marlénè Lambert BA'88 BUS'89 teaches yoga at The Yoga Center and at the University. READING If you're looking for reading material this summer, I suggest any one from this collection of books that opened a whole new world for me. They are plot driven, full of suspense, and great for discussion. I call them "literary page-turners." Enjoy!
—Roz Sandack BS'73 is a reading group facilitator at The King's English Book Shop and sales manager for Origin Books. VOLUNTEERING
Next, you should consider what you have to contribute. Do you have any unique abilities or experiences that could benefit a nonprofit organization? Maybe you have experience with business or fund-raising or even working with some segment of the community. By offering specialized skills, you not only help the organization, you also help yourself to create a worthwhile experience. Like many U students, I participated in an internship in Washington, D.C., with the Hinckley Institute of Politics. One evening, as I was leaving an inauguration party for President George Bush, I noticed how we were all stepping over a group of people huddled on a heating grate in order to keep from freezing. That moment changed my life. When I came back to the U, I began to work for advocacy groups. The Bennion Center at the U did a great job of structuring learning experiences so that students thought beyond the immediate service and began to consider what in our community created the problem. Over the years, I have seen how individuals and groups can make a huge difference in their communities when they commit to a goal. In fact, anyone can make a difference simply by walking out of his or her front door, seeing what needs to be done, and saying, "I'm going to do something about this." People within a community can create amazing responses to difficult problems. It's all a matter of integrating private lives with community needs. —Bill Crim BA'91 is executive director of Utah Issues, a private nonprofit organization committed to alleviating poverty.
If you'd like to make your vacation more personal, consider planning around a special event. You could try the Sacramento Jazz Festival in the spring or the Sundance Jazz Festival in the fall. Taos, New Mexico, has a wonderful art festival. For food lovers, California is the capital of flavorful food festivals. The Gilroy Garlic Festival is my pick. For a directory of visual art events, museum openings, concerts, plays, and theatre events, try the resource at www.culturefinder.com. Another way to personalize your trip is an adventure or learning vacation. This new trend in vacationing involves anything from doing something innovative to taking classes. Consider scuba diving lessons in Cancun or cooking classes in Paris or renting a car in Europe and following the open road. Because most vacationers are concerned about their budget, I suggest having your antenna up year-round for great deals. Check the newspaper for specials or news of airfare wars. In order to take advantage of some deals, you have to be flexible, which isn't always an option. But sometimes, just changing the day you travel can make a big difference. Of course, the best way to get a deal is simply to shop around. And don't ever pass up the opportunity to see new places. Some of my best vacationing memories are moments in time that couldn't have been planned, like driving around the winding country roads of Majorca off the coast of Spain and smelling the aroma of orange blossoms, or sitting on horseback on the summit of the Absaroka mountain range, overlooking Yellowstone National Park, or falling in love with Venice from the deck of the Grande Princess. —Kathryn Clayton BA'73 MA'76 is travel editor for the Deseret News. Interviews compiled by Continuum editorial intern Kathyrn Austin BA'0
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