The University of Utah again claimed victory over Brigham Young University
in the annual food drive. Now in its 10th year, the drive is a friendly
competition between the two schools that collects food and funds to benefit
the Utah Food Bank, the United Way of Utah County, and thousands of needy
year’s drive, held from Nov. 10-22, resulted in the U’s collecting
$21,527, compared to $19,519 for BYU. For their past efforts, both schools
received the 2003 CASE Seal of Excellence for Community Service. CASE
(Council for Advancement and Support of Education) is an international
organization that advances and supports educational institutions by enhancing
the effectiveness of the alumni relations, communications, and fund-raising
professionals who serve them.
The Utah- BYU food drive initiative was lauded as a program that can
be used as a model for other institutions. Says John Ashton, executive
director of the Alumni Association, “While it’s rewarding
to have a won this year’s competition, the thing to remember is
the end result: it provided about $40,000 to the Utah Food Bank just in
time for the holidays. That’s the real satisfaction of the competition
and a victory for both schools.”
the past three years, the Alumni Association, through its Community Service
Committee, has been a participant in Operation School Bell. Sponsored
by the Assistance League of Utah, the program provides new clothes for
needy children in elementary schools along the Wasatch Front.
Volunteers from the Association, including staff and members of the alumni
boards, have helped the Assistance League distribute the clothes. According
to Manny Martinez ex’69, former chair of the Association’s
Community Service Committee, helping with the program has been both fun
and rewarding. (See Continuum, Spring
For its collaborative efforts, the Association recently received recognition
from the National Assistance League (NAL): an award “presented to
the University of Utah Alumni Association for outstanding service to the
children of Salt Lake City and to Operation School Bell.”
Says Assistance League volunteer Valerie Mercer, chair of Operation School
Bell in Utah, “The award [to the Association] was so well deserved
because, as the Operation School Bell program grows, our human resources
get stretched. This year, we provided clothes for almost 5,000 children—the
largest number of any chapter in the country,” she notes. “We
just wouldn’t have been able to accomplish the task without the
assistance of the Alumni Association.”
The Beehive Honor Society (BHS) was founded
at the U in 1913 to honor graduating seniors who have demonstrated
leadership, scholarship, and service to the University and the community.
BHS is directed by a 10-member board that raises money through the
sale of Beehive medallions and voluntary contributions. These donations
are used to help fund scholarships in the amount of $1,500 each
The new BHS officers and board members for 2003-04 are:

Candace Anderson Rideout BFA’65, president,
is a sales consultant with Kirkham and Friends Real Estate, as well
as an artist. She and her husband, Stephen Rideout ex’68,
have eight children.
JoAnn Eardley Miller BA’68, president-elect,
is an interior designer with her own company, CJ Design. She and
her husband, Gary Miller BS’65, have four children.
Jim Davis BS’72 was administrator and mayor
of South Salt Lake for 16 years before serving for two years as
director of housing and economic development for Salt Lake City
Corporation. He is now in private real estate and development. Davis
and his wife, Susan Smith Davis BS’71, have
seven children, including two sets of twins.
Charlotte Garff Jacobsen BA’64, a former
member of the Alumni Association board, is chair of the Bennion
Center advisory board, serves on the board of the Belle Spafford
Endowed Chair for the School of Social Work, and is a member of
the International Student board. She and her husband, Ted
Jacobsen BS’65, have seven children.
John Pingree BA’64, former director of the
Utah Transit Authority, currently works for the Semnani Foundation,
which finds and funds projects that serve women and children throughout
the world. He and his wife, Carmen Boyden Pingree BA’65
MS’83, have five children.
Each year the Emeritus Alumni Association presents its prestigious
Merit of Honor Award to prominent alumni who graduated 40 or more
years ago, for their outstanding professional achievements and service
to the University and the community. The 2004 honorees are:

John W. Bennion BS’61 MA’62, a well-known
educator in the Salt Lake area, was superintendent of the Salt Lake
City School District from 1985 to 1994. He received the University
of Utah College of Education’s Distinguished Service Award
in 1997. While at the U, Bennion served as student body president
and was a member of the Beehive Honor Society and Owl & Key.
Sue Douglas Christensen BS’56 is currently
vice chair of the University Development Office Scholarship Fund
Drive, which has raised $35 million in scholarship funds. She is
also a member of the University’s National Advisory Council
and a past member of the Alumni Association’s Board of Directors.
Christensen was a founding member of the Ramsey Group real estate
company and received the Salt Lake Board of Realtors Salesman of
the Year award in 1984.
L. Richard (Dick) Raybould BS’50, retired
from the U.S. Army, was awarded Bronze and Silver Stars for his
actions in Korea and Vietnam. He also received the Legion of Merit
award from the president of the United States for his leadership
in the development of a U.S. Army computer information system. After
returning to Utah, Raybould headed the State of Utah Division of
Data Processing. He has served as a member of the Emeritus Alumni
Association board and the Crimson Club.
Karen Felker Shepherd BA’62 was a Utah state
senator from 1990 to 1992, and in 1993 was elected to the U.S. House
of Representatives, where she served one term. A businesswoman and
writer, Shepherd founded Webster Publishing Company. She currently
sits on the advisory board of the David Eccles School of Business.
Lynn T. Staheli MD’59 is president and founder
of Global-HELP Organization, established to create and distribute
health publications to improve health care in developing countries.
He also founded and financed a program to train overseas physicians
in pediatric orthopedics, and is widely published in his field.
A research chair in pediatric orthopedics at Children’s Hospital
in Seattle, Wash., was recently named in Staheli’s honor.
Paula Margetts Swaner Smoot BA’49 MA’72 MS’78
PhD’86 established the 1,100-acre Swaner Nature Preserve
in Summit County, Utah, in 1993. She is dedicated to the preservation,
education, and nurturing of the environment. Smoot is currently
in private practice as a clinical psychologist.
Jay E. Welch PhD’59, former conductor of
the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, taught in the U’s School of Music
until his retirement in 1993. He received the Distinguished Teaching
Award and was frequently chosen as “outstanding professor”
and “favorite professor” by students. Welch founded
and conducted the Mormon Youth Symphony and Chorus, and the Jay
Welch Chorale. Retired, he continues to conduct, compose, arrange,
orchestrate, engrave, publish, educate, and entertain.
alumni selected to receive the Distinguished Alumni Awards for
2004 represent an array of professionals, from a founder of
an airline to an autism expert, from a conductor of a famous
choir to a history-making public servant. All have made outstanding
contributions to the community.
David Neeleman
ex’81, Chief Executive Officer, JetBlue Airways
February 2000, David Neeleman launched his third successful aviation
business, JetBlue Airways, which now serves 22 cities across the
United States. In 2003, for the second consecutive year, JetBlue
was rated “Best Domestic Airline” in Conde Nast Traveler’s
2003 Readers’ Choice Awards. Neeleman began his career in
aviation in 1984 when he co-founded the low-fare carrier Morris
Air. Following the sale of Morris Air and a short period with Southwest
Airlines, Neeleman developed his electronic ticketing system into
Open Skies, a widely used airline reservation system, which he sold
to Hewlett Packard in 1999. Neeleman has generously supported U
of U athletics and business programs. He lives with his wife, Vicki
Neeleman, and their nine children in New Canaan, Conn.
Jerold Ottley MFA’67, Former Musical
Director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Musician-conductor Jerold Ottley will forever be associated
with the 320-voice Mormon Tabernacle Choir. For 25 years he oversaw
the choir’s activities, including conducting the choir in
recordings and concerts around the world. Under Ottley’s direction,
the choir earned five gold records. Ottley also taught at the School
of Music for many years. He has received numerous honors and accolades,
including the Governor’s Commendation, BYU’s Presidential
Citation, and the Salt Lake Area Chamber of Commerce Honors in the
Arts award. He is married to JoAnn Ottley ex’55,
soprano soloist, vocal coach, and teacher. Together, they directed
the Choir Training School at Temple Square, the preparation program
for prospective members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The Ottleys
have two grown children.
Carmen B. Pingree BA’65 MS’83, Consultant in
Autism Genetic Studies
Carmen Pingree and her husband, John Pingree BA’64,
have been indefatigable advocates for children and adults with autism
ever since their son Brian was diagnosed with the condition. Pingree
has been instrumental in getting legislation passed to fund educational
programs and research into autism, has helped secure funding for
the Autism Society of Utah, of which she is president, and served
as an autism research consultant to Stanford and Utah State Universities,
and the University of Utah. In recognition of her efforts, the new
school of autism in Salt Lake is named the Carmen B. Pingree School
of Autism. A dedicated supporter of the University, Pingree has
also been chair of the Governor’s Council on People with Disabilities,
and on the boards of the Children’s Justice Center and Primary
Children’s Medical Center, among others. She has received
numerous awards, including the Consumer Advocate Award from the
Utah Public Health System. The Pingrees have five children.
Olene Walker PhD’87, Governor of Utah
On Nov. 23, 2003, Olene Walker made history by becoming Utah’s
first woman governor. Walker, who was serving as the state’s
first woman lieutenant governor, took over after Gov. Michael Leavitt
resigned to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Walker
began her political career in the Utah House of Representatives,
serving as assistant majority whip and majority whip (1981-89).
She was also founder and director of the Salt Lake Education Foundation
and vice president of a family business, Country Crisp Foods (1969-1992).
As lieutenant governor, Walker chaired the Healthcare Reform Task
Force, which established the Children’s Health Insurance Program
(CHIP), and was a strong advocate for children’s literacy.
She has been honored with the 2002 Community Leaders Award from
the Points of Light Foundation and with the establishment of the
Olene S. Walker Housing Trust Fund. She and her husband, Myron Walker,
have seven children.
Clyde M. Heiner, Retired President and CEO of Questar InfoComm,
Inc., Interstate Land Corporation and Questar Development Company,
and Vice President, Entrada Industries
Clyde Heiner’s varied responsibilities with Questar InfoComm
and Entrada Industries focused on investigating internal and external
opportunities for corporate growth and development, and overseeing
legal and corporate communications, data processing, and telecommunications.
A licensed professional engineer, Heiner was previously vice president
of engineering at Mountain Fuel Supply Company, and has been a member
of the College of Engineering’s Industrial Advisory Board.
Heiner has held a number of voluntary public service positions,
including chair of the Business- Education Partnership and the Utah
Taxpayers Association. He is also vice chair of the Utah Partnership
for Educational Economic Development Board. Heiner is married to
Gail Tanner, and they have eight children.
