A piece of sky
Flutters loosea jay
Resolves himself
A yellow flight of leaves,
Settles into them,
His blood denser than water,
He lifts into motion
Lighter even than air,
Into which leaves
To light, then to wind
How this longing
So precise, accepts
One answer: blood,
Muscle, bone knitting
A singular shape.
My heart,
Anchored three-quarters up
In my bodys
Adrift, opens into
Brilliant wind, and
Coles PhD'90,
associate professor of English and director of the U's creative
writing program, has produced her third book of poetry, The Golden
Years of the Fourth Dimension. Part of the Western Literature
Series, the book received the award for "best poetry book"
in November 2001 from the Utah Center for the Book. The collection
of 20 poems explores the intersections of science and poetry, time
and space, within the context of daily life. The cover art, "Endangered
Species," is by Maureen O'Hara Ure BFA'70 MFA'79,
associate professor/lecturer in the Dept. of Art and Art History
(2001; University of Nevada Press, Reno, NV 89557-0076; paperback,
Jean Bradshaw Boyce
BS39 recently published Just like Home,
her fourth book of light verse and the third to be illustrated by
Bill Keane, whose cartoon series, The Family Circus,
appears in 1,500 syndicated daily newspapers. Crowned Utahs
queen of the four-line rhyme by the Deseret News, Boyce
finds inspiration in the common occurrences of daily family life.
Her poems have appeared in various national magazines, including
Good Housekeeping, Readers Digest, The Saturday
Evening Post, and Family Circle. Boyce is married to
Alma H. Boyce, a Salt Lake City attorney; they have four children
(2001; Jean B. Boyce, distributed by Evans Book Inc., Salt Lake
City, UT 84104; hardback, $12.50.)
short stories in The Height and Depth of Everything, by Katharine
Haake PhD85, weave various elements togetherthe
effects of place, the way lives converge in unanticipated ways,
natural and human disasters, and the power of the narrative. Set
in the western United States, the tales explore the relationship
between the landscape and women protagonists who are forced to pick
up the pieces of lives disrupted by natural as well as spiritual
disasters. (2001; University of Nevada Press, MS166, Reno, NV 89557-0076;
paperback, $17.00.)
Together: Children and Adults in a School Community
challenges the conventional notion of education as teachers transmitting
facts and concepts to students. The book is a collective effort
of Barbara Rogoff, professor of psychology at the University of
Southern California at Santa Barbara, and Carolyn Goodman Turkanis
BS64 and Lee Bartlett, teachers in an Open
Classroom (See Continuum, Summer 2000). An Open Classroom
operates within a traditional school and requires three hours of
parent involvement per week. The book theorizes that learning is
a collaborative effort between the various components that make
up a community, with participants engaging in purposeful activity
and accepting mutual responsibility and shared decision-making.
In this model, children as well as adults plan activities, and adults
learn from the children they guide. The driving principle is that
children and adults alike learn through active participation with
other learners. (2001; Oxford University Press Inc., 198 Madison
Ave., New York, NY, 10016; hardcover, $35.00.)
Working Together: Five Steps to Conflict Resolution, by Robert
S. Adams BS'86, is based on research that Adams
conducted for the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE)
Foundation. The book pro-vides a guide for five-step conflict prevention
and intervention, using a problem resolution model, within nonprofit
organizations. Adams is founder and president of Rocky Mountain
Resolve in Salt Lake City (2001; American Society of Association
Executives-ASAE, 1575 I Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005; paperback).
Road by Donald Anderson MA'79 was awarded
the 2001 John Simmons Short Fiction Award, a national competition
juried by the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Fire Road is a collection
of vignettes that reflect on life, love, and the human condition.
A former U.S. Air Force officer, Anderson teaches creative writing
at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He
is the recipient of a Creative Writers' Fellowship grant from the
National Endowment for the Arts. (2001; University of Iowa Press,
100 Kuhl House, Iowa City, IA 52242; paperback, $15.95) .
first novel by Nicholas Hershenow BS'85,
The Road Builder, tells the tale of a young American couple,
recently married, who attempt to build on their relationship while
navigating the "mystical labyrinth of Central Africa."
Filled with mystery, myth, danger, and romance, the novel draws
the reader into the unknown world of Ngemba. Hershenow has been
a Peace Corps volunteer in Africa, a whitewater raft and wilderness
guide, and a teacher, and is now a U.S. Forest Service stream survey
technician. He and his wife, Phoebe Juch Hershenow
BSN'85, live in McCall, Idaho (2001; BlueHen Books, Penguin
Putnam, Inc., New York, NY 10014; paperback, $25.95).
in the Park

The annual
Sculpture in the Park show, held in the small town of Loveland,
Colorado, draws artists from around the country eager to display
their work. Each year the Loveland High Plains Arts Council (LHPAC)
purchases a select few sculptures from the show for public display
in Colorado's Benson Sculpture Park. "Circle of Peace,"
by Gary Price BFA'81 of Springville, Utah,
was one of the 10 selected from the 2000 show.
been attending the Loveland show for 10 years now and was honored
to have one of my pieces purchased," says Price. "Circle
of Peace" is a life-size sculpture of seven small figuresboys
and girls, including a child with Down syndromefrom different
ethnic backgrounds playing ring-around-the-rosy.
sculpture depicts children from all walks of life having fun together,"
comments Price. "The circle they form represents the continuum
of humanity. Their clasped hands represent the interaction and cooperation
that engender a humanity full of compassion and respect-respect
for each other's uniqueness and compassion that bridges the gap
between any indifference. Each and every child is a vital link."
Collectibles: A Guide to Building Your Own Valuable Collections,
by Beverly Burt Nichols BFA45 MSW46,
is a useful reference for the beginning as well as the advanced collector.
It describes the history of such items as paperweights, turquoise,
toys, books, and salt- and pepper shakers, among other treasures,
and provides information on their value with suggestions about how
to display them. Each chapter is devoted to a specific collectible,
offering guides to beginning a collection, where to look, and what
to look for (2000; Factor Press, P.O. Box 888, Mobile, AL 36689; paperback,
$13.95.) |