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Spring 2008 • Volume 17 No. 4


U of U healers provide hope and help through the Global Health Alliance.
by Joel Addams

For most students, spring break lasts seven days. But for those in the Alternative Spring Break program, it lasts a lifetime.
by Taunya Dressler

Around the globe, languages are dying out. But the U�s Center for American Indian Languages hopes to preserve some of the most complex native tongues in the Americas.
by Vanessa Chang


Up Front
A Growing Silence
by Jason Matthew Smith
Campus tree guru Ann Williams
by Ann Whitney Floor
Letters from readers
Liquid of Life: U of U professor Craig Denton documents the critical role of water in the West
by Linda Marion
News of the University
And Finally…
Q&A: Beverly Fenton, director, American Indian Resource Center
by Colleen Casto
Bouncing Back: How the U mends its injured athletes
by John Youngren

Alumni Association

Association News
Distinguished Alumnus/a and Honorary Alumnus Award recipients; Poinsettia Bowl tailgate; Rivalry Week results; a tribute to two remarkable women; and a new chapter in Houston

Alum Note
For this returning vet, a University of Utah administrator who saw
me as more than a number made all the difference.
by Larry Chambers

Through the Years
Keeping up with alumni


Continuum is published in fall, winter, spring, and summer by the University of Utah Alumni Association and University Marketing & Communications. Subscriptions are attainable through membership in the Alumni Association ($36/year). Call (801) 581-6995 for more information.

Opinions expressed in Continuum are not necessarily those of the University of Utah administration.

Copyright © 2008 by the University of Utah Alumni Association. The University of Utah is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.