Alumni Association News
Alumni Association
Board of Directors, 2007-08
Four community leaders and University of Utah graduates have been appointed to serve three-year terms on the Alumni Association�s Board of Directors. The new members will join the current volunteer board of 20 to oversee the myriad activities associated with the Association�s four affiliated boards�the Beehive Honor Society, Emeritus Alumni, Young Alumni, and Student Alumni. Each of the new members carries an impressive list of accomplishments and service to the University and local communities.
With more than 10 years experience in public relations, Ann Jardine Bardsley BA�84 has been a freelance writer for nearly 30, dating back to her stint as a stringer for the Deseret News in 1979, while she was still in high school. Now senior PR manager with Sorenson Communications, Bardsley was previously a news and communication specialist with the University of Utah from 2001-2006, when she also served on U committees such as Holocaust Days of Remembrance, Women�s Week, and the Working Group on Families. A mother of three, ages 14 through 21, she is currently a member of the Junior League of Salt Lake City.
Desmond �Des� Barker BA�89 is the president of Des Barker Associates, Inc., which provides public relations, government affairs, and business-to-business marketing consulting to the tourism, land development, manufacturing, mining, and telecommunications industries, areas he has specialized in for 12 years. Barker sits on the University of Utah College of Social and Behavioral Science board and the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce government affairs and transportation committees, among other service. He and his wife, Jane M. Barker BA�88, are the parents of four children ages 8 to 16.
William Farr �Bill� Bennion BS�75 is the owner of Bennion Jewelers, Inc., which he founded in 1974. While a U of U student, Bennion was a men�s singles and doubles tennis champion. He has since served the U as a member of the Crimson Club board and the Utah Museum of Fine Arts Special Exhibitions Council. He has also volunteered with organizations including Salt Lake Rotary, the Salt Lake Tennis Club, and the Utah Arthritis Foundation. He and his wife, Victoria Firmage �Vicki� Bennion BS�79 MBA�81, are the parents of three sons.
Dallis J. Christensen II BS�85 MPrA�86, CPA, is CFO/CIO for The Layton Companies Inc., a general contractor and engineering business. In the year before joining the company in 2001, Christensen created and sold a mail-order catalog start-up, Q-Label Inc. He previously held financial and information management positions with Critchley Group Inc., Daw Inc., and KPMG. He and his wife, Carolyn, are the parents of five children ages 12 to 24.
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Homecoming Week 2007
September 24th-29th
Monday, September 24
House Decorating
Greek Row / Noon
Greek row and other sites on campus decorate their spaces.
� More info: 581-2788
Bennion Center Hunger Banquet
Union Building / 6 p.m.
Help the Bennion Center raise awareness of homelessness and hunger in our community.
� Tickets: 581-4811
Wednesday, September 26
Emeritus Alumni Reunion
Alumni House / 4 p.m.
Reconnect with old friends: Tour the new John & Marva Warnock Engineering Building, and enjoy a barbecue and pep talk by new head basketball coach Jim Boylen.
� More info and reservations: 581-3719
Thursday, September 27
Union Ballroom / 6 p.m.
Fraternities, sororities, and other campus groups perform song-and-dance routines judged for their creativity and presentation. Free admission.
� More info: 581-2788
Student Alumni Association Reunion
Alumni House / 6:30 p.m.
Join other members for the 20th anniversary of the Student Alumni Board.
� More info and reservations: 581-3709
Friday, September 28
Homecoming Scholarship Scramble
Bonneville Golf Course / 8 a.m.
$100 per person, $400 per foursome
The 2nd annual 18-hole golf tourney at beautiful Bonneville. Open to the first 120 entrants only. Proceeds benefit the Alumni Association Scholarship Fund.
� Sign up online or call 581-6995
Crimson Nights / Homecoming Pep Rally
Union Building / 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.
Admission is free with U student ID.
� More info: 581-7658
Saturday, September 29
Young Alumni Scholarship 5K & Kids Run
Alumni House / 7 - 8:15 a.m. � Registration
7 - 10:30 a.m. � Silent Auction
8:30 a.m. � 5K Race Begins
9:30 a.m. � Kids 1K Run Begins
Proceeds benefit the Young Alumni Scholarship Fund.
� More info: 585-9012
Pre-game Tailgate Party
Guardsman Way & 500 South / 11 a.m.
The tasty way to get ready for the football game.
Admission: $20 per person, $15 students, kids under 6 free
� More info: 581-6995
Football Game: Utah vs. Utah State
Rice-Eccles Stadium / 1 p.m.
� Tickets: 581-UTIX (8899)
Homecoming Student Dance
Rice-Eccles Stadium & Towers / 8 p.m.
U students dance the night away.
� Tickets and more info: 581-2788
For updates, visit
The Alumni Association wishes to thank the sponsors of Homecoming 2007:
ARUP Blood Services, University of Utah Credit Union, MountainWest Sports Network, and Deseret Morning News
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